Rolf D. Schacht

Rolf D. Schacht

I love Traffic and residual Income. You too?

I live in Magdeburg, SA, Germany with my wife for over 15 years now. I'm a sports enthusiast, former very active, but for now semi active :) I'm in online biz since 2012 and have paid a lot to learn how it works. Over the past few years I have met some great partners and mentors who have helped me a lot on my journey into internet Marketing success. Now I know that I can do most of it for free (OK, spending more time) or with small investments to get some very good results.

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BOB 25929
BOB2 28431
TRG2 dahard
SMA 1115
SMA2 101
VRL coinpower24
EBX 1032
EBX2 1249
TAB starpower24
TAB2 erniebrown
RID1 1002
RID2 1001
RID3 1000